Plants grow differently depending on their surroundings, so your plants may not always reflect entirely what is shown in the app due to the varying environmental conditions. If your plants appear healthy but are just smaller than the app suggests, they may be lagging behind due to temperature, air circulation, water, or the amount of light that they're receiving.
Review the tips below to promote faster growth:
- Temperature - Plants are extremely sensitive to cold temperatures, so please ensure that your garden is away from any amount of cold air drafts, AC, and even windows. Cold air can severely slow or stunt your plant's growth rate and can fuel algae growth which in turn impacts growth.
- Air circulation - Good air circulation also helps with lush plant growth, so if possible, increase airflow in the room by turning on a fan for a few hours a day or temporarily move your garden to an area that may have more airflow i.e near a vent or an open walkspace.
- Light - Ensure that your garden is receiving 12-16 hours of full light each day and is not being left on "dim" mode. The amount of light that your plants receive directly affects its growth rate.
- Water - Ensure that you allow your garden to drain to 0% between each watering. Maintaining a high water level at all times can impact your plant's ability to regulate water efficiently..
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