We do not recommend using your own soil or soil mix. Our SeedPods are specially designed for growing in the SmallGarden and contain time-release plant food that provides the optimal amount of nutrients to plants as they grow.
Articles in this section
- What is a SeedPod?
- Can I plant 5 SeedPods in my garden instead of 10?
- How to use your own seeds with the 'Plant Your Own' SeedPods
- Are your seeds non-GMO?
- What is the lifespan of plants in the SmallGarden?
- Can I use my own soil as a substitute to the SeedPods?
- How long can I store unused SeedPods?
- How long do SeedPods grow?
- Can I reuse my SeedPods?
- Is produce grown in the SmallGarden as nutritious as organic store bought produce?
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